Repair Service for your Solar Pool Heating System
We have an exceptional repair service for our solar pool heating systems. Backed by a 12 year warranty on installations (labor) and panels, our repairs are usually responded to within 24-48 hours from time of call. Call Celestial Solar Pool Heating today to have any repairs done to your solar pool heating system. If you are looking for routine maintenance, we do that too!

If your system is no longer covered by our warranty, or we did not install the system for you, we can still do the repairs.
Here is a list of some of the Repair Services/Parts offered​
- Basic Service
- New Solar Panel
- Vacuum Breaker
- Check Valve
- Fittings
- End Cap
- SS Hose Clamp
- Uni Mount
- Strap Anchor
- Gray Pipe Adapter
- Connector Hose
- Sensors
- Pipes
- 150 Roll Straps
- Extra Labor Time
- Replace Control Box
- Replace Actuator